Slipstream (game)

Platform Mac, Windows, requires Adobe Shockwave Player
Available in English
Type Internet Game
Website Slipstream

Slipstream is a game developed by Silent Bay Studios and hosted on the games website The setting of the game is in a vast, metal tunnel with many scattered obstacles. The player plays as a futuristic ship zooming through the tunnel. The object is to avoid as many obstacles as possible. On January 12, 2009, launched Slipstream 2, the sequel to the hit game.


The orange-colored ship must avoid collisions with obstacles ahead of it. There are a variety of obstacles that are included with this game.

The ship that the player drives has a very high speed, which is approximated to be 240 miles per minute, or 4 miles per second. The ship takes 1/4 of a second to traverse 1 mile.


Rotating blades: These are the blades that spin around. They are a yellow/black color, and have different designs of holes that your ship can pass through. If one misses the hole and hits the blade, one out of three of his/her lives are lost.

Green modifiers: These are very helpful throughout the game, multiplying the player's gate bonus score. There are 3 different types of modifiers — the lightning-style modifiers, or "Power modifiers," which generate a shield around the player's ship; the x1, x2, and x3 modifiers, which multiply the player's gate bonus score by the corresponding number; and the toxic icon-style modifier, or "Blackout modifier," which can only be found in Sectors 2 and up. This modifier temporarily shuts off all movement of the obstacles.

Purple beams: These are the type of energy beams that move in two ways at the same time. As the opposite generators attach each other with the energy, they spin around the entire tunnel. Simultaneously, the actual beam moves across from edge to edge. These beams cut the player's gate bonus, the points he/she earns for passing through gates without losing a life, in half.

Red beams: These energy beams will destabilize one's ship if the player passes through them. Unlike the purple beams, these only spin the way the blades do; they only rotate around one way.
